Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm My Boss (Should I Fire Myself Now?)

Working from home is so bizarre. It felt like sunshine the first few months. If anything woke me up early, whether it was 6 or 8 AM, I leapt out of bed and set up my laptop for the day. I’d spend hours working at a coffee shop or sit at home switching between work and Netflix.
Working from home lets me maintain my mission of “Absolute Snow Avoidance” (I used to think 55 degrees was freezing). As far as my California brain is concerned, seeing snow out my window is like being transported to Mars and seeing that shit outside my window.  
Here I am, many months later, and I’ve lost my spark. I have trouble getting started and I get frustrated during the writing process. I’m sure that’s normal, but it’s stopping me from earning enough money to enjoy my day-to-day life. And, I'm not talking about mall shopping -- I'm talking about toothpaste. All day, my brain is haunted by insufficient funds and anger at my laziness/lack of motivation/self sabotage.
I am determined to love the work again. Six months from now I’ll be starting grad school and (hopefully) an on campus job. I may never have such a flexible schedule again. So I need to enjoy it for what it is.
On that note, it’s time for me to get more work done!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your work! Sometimes being your own boss is harder than actually having one. Thanks for the note on my blog-- I like yours, as well. :)
