Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Quarter Century Later (Or, Why Turning 25 is Awesome)

Tomorrow brings about two things: one, my California driver’s license expires and two, I’m turning 25. Do I regret not going to the Indiana DMV and taking care of business? Yes. Will an expired out-of-state license mean I’ll need to take an actual behind-the-wheel driving test for an Indiana license? I don’t know.
BUT, this is about being happy to turn 25.
First of all, I refuse to get bummed out over age. I don’t want to feel sad on every birthday from here on out. When I’m 50, I’ll consider 25 as an extension of childhood. Why wait another 25 years to look back and say, “Wow! 25 is legit!!”?
Yes, I’ve been moping around lately. I wish I had more money, I wish I was in better shape with epic clothes, I wish I saw my family more, I wish I was more motivated to do whatever it is I assume I should be doing, etc. But, even with all that, I’m happy to be turning 25 because I’m doing things that are, in my personal opinion, cool things to do.
Yes, some things suck. Like, planning to put any birthday money towards rent and then realizing that, like usual, birthday cards are coming late…AKA not in time to contribute to March rent. Yay, 25-years-old and $80 short!
But, you know what? I live in Muncie now. Where Pabst Blue Ribbon is $1 a mug (yes, I know it’s called PBR and it's the kool-aid of beer -- but, it's good enough for me and my broke ass). Plus, the bartender is cool and will probably give me some free beers. So, I’m going out tomorrow night, Muncie-style, to celebrate an awesome birthday for an awesome age.
My cake from last year.


  1. cute blog title!

    i LOVE PBR. it gets a bad rap next to high end beers {such as budheavy} but i love it. and you CAN'T beat 1$...happy birthday!

  2. Happy birthday Mandy! & good luck with all that crazy license bureaucracy : )

  3. Thanks! Two benefits of living in a small midwestern town: cheap beer and hopefully an empty dmv.
